
Leading the way, this is the only industry-dedicated forum placing donor testing, screening, retention and cell source selection in the main spotlight to drive scalable allogeneic manufacturing development and streamline both supply chain and process development.

Last year saw an end-to-end meeting, bringing together an exclusive forum of leaders within R&D, CMC, manufacturing, supply chain, process development and analytics that are working to define gold standard approaches for donor characterization, testing and cell source procurement for safe and globally accessible off-the-shelf cell therapies. 

Must-Attend Sessions


Master regulatory challenges and best practices in donor selection for allogeneic therapies, ensuring compliance, quality assurance, effective documentation, and ethical standards across the US, Europe, and Asia with CytoImmune Therapeutics


Identify and validate phenotypic and functional signatures of healthy donor T-cells to predict and enhance the potency of hypoimmune CAR-T cells for superior therapeutic outcomes with Sana Biotechnology


Uncover the benchmark criteria for donor characterization to guarantee high-quality, safe, and effective donor materials, aiding in regulatory approval and enhancing therapeutic results with MiNK Therapeutics


Characterize HSC-derived NK cells to identify optimal donors using a cost-effective, high-throughput screening platform for large-scale expansion, revealing significant donor differences in proliferation, cytotoxicity, and in vivo function with ImmuneBridge


Examine strategies for ensuring donor product consistency throughout downstream drug development, enhancing product reliability, supporting regulatory compliance, and mitigating development risks with Bristol Myers Squibb

Who's Attending?