Colleen Delaney

Colleen Delaney

Company: Deverra Therapeutics

Job title: Founder & Chief Scientific Officer


Keynote Panel Discussion: Exploring Innovations & Challenges in Donor Selection for Allogeneic Therapies 8:45 am

An overview of where the field currently stands with donor selection Advances in technologies for HLA typing, genetic profiling, artificial intelligence machine learning, and emerging biomarkers for improved donor-recipient compatibility Discussing what key logistical challenges are faced by the community currently and how we are going to overcome themRead more

day: Conference Day 1

The Critical Role of a Diverse Donor Pool in Allogeneic Therapies 4:00 pm

A diverse donor pool increases the likelihood of finding optimal matches for recipients, reducing the risk of immune rejection and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), thereby improving therapeutic outcomes Variation within a donor pool ensures a broader range of genetic and phenotypic profiles, providing the flexibility to match recipients with donors whose cells exhibit the best compatibility…Read more

day: Conference Day 1

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